The morning started off great. A 3:00am wake up, quick bite to eat then in car. Did all my bike setup at the car is pumping up of tyres, Infinit in bottles etc.
After a small mishap in transition setup after a Muppet knocked my helmet of my bike and broke the lense I moved on. Riding with sunnies it was going to me.
A rolling platform start was something very new for me. I haven’t dived into water with goggles on since I was at school. I placed myself in the second fastest group. Knowing if I went out strong I would be pulled along and could settle in to a comfortable pace before I brought it home strong. I had a couple of people try and muscle me out of the way. One guy shoved me in the ribs, I casually moved over towards him with a wide right arm a nailed him in return. Another swimmer grabbed my calf. This sort of this does not bother me anymore. I wasn’t sure of my swim time. I thought I saw 36 but questioned it and just got to transition.
Felt pretty comfortable, I quickly went back over the plan in my head will methodically getting my wetsuit off, helmet on, sunnies on and off I went.
I had two TO’s signal to me, one to move over and one told me to move back as I was coming into the turn around. It was Kaos.
Coaches words ringing in my ear, I don’t care if you ride slower, we want to bring home the run. Turns out of rode a 40km PB for the first 40km. I needed to settled down. I focused of cadence 77-84 and HR in low Z3 I knew this was comfortable. Not once did I look at my time on my garmin, I was totally focused on sticking to my plan and numbers. Coming back into the main race area I pushed into a small head wind so staying aero was important. Even entered T2 I had no idea what I rode for time.
A scream coaching, you’re here to do a job stay focused. Get after it. I was busting for the toilet....
Racked my bike, socks on, one shoe on, shit, my right quad started to cramp. I slowed a little to get control. Hat on, race on, Napalm in back pocket. Great a toilet right at the exit of T2. “I look to my left, a stern voice, focus just let it come, that’s it. Bugger, no toilet for me.
5:15 for the first km BOOM... shit shoe lace comes undone, remain calm, move over and do it up and get back to work. 5:00 2km BOOM. I see two people I know. My mind goes, right let’s catch them. 6km Down the road I picked up one, a further 2-3km I picked up the second. I had a guy running with me, there were no words said we just ran. I enter the main arena, come Ben, I run passed, with the words tap, tap, tap, tap. Good, good that’s it. Finished it off. About another Km down the run I have a female athlete stuck to my shoulder. She said sorry, you’re running strong and a good pace. Ok, great now I had another athletes result basically in my hands. So I said, you have to work too. We ran together for close to 10km before I had to take a toilet break in the bushes. The guy I ran with earlier came back through. Before I dropped him 2km from the end. This run was beginning hurt. Heavy shoes, no nutrients left. Damn that finish line is a long way away. I hear it again, come one Ben, run through. I had no idea of my time. The lady I ran with waited for me at the finish line to say thank you. I actually wanted the run to hurt, I wanted to know what that pain felt like. I now know I can still go faster.
I honestly think I had the best race possible. Can I go faster in all three disciplines? ABSOLUTELY. Nutrition was on point. I just wish I could go to the toilet whilst racing. That cost me maybe 45-60s possibly a little longer.
I liked not really knowing where I was at in terms of overall time. I didn’t look at my watch to see what the run time was. I didn’t check my bike computer.
BPM Multisport was born out of the passion I have for triathlon, not just coach but to educate athletes of all levels to help them achieve their goals to the best of their ability whilst maintaining a balanced, happy and healthy lifestyle.
Every athlete is unique and their individual goals are just that 'individual', therefore I provide programs written and designed specifically based on each athletes needs, time commitment, training level and ‘life’ in general to help them reach that goal. Success is not always overnight some will reach it quickly others will take longer but whatever the pathway I guide them through the journey to becoming best they can be.
All programs are delivered through Training Peaks and each athlete receives a truly personal coaching service dedicated to making you the best possible athlete you can be.
Contact me for a FREE initial coaching consultation to discuss your training and coaching options.